Christmas Renders + Chapter 10 Dev Log!

Hello, everyone!

I hope your holiday season is going well, for those who celebrate! For those who don't, I hope your upcoming weekend is most excellent! Dropping by today to share a pair of special renders from a pair of special ladies, plus give an update as to the development of the final chapter of Between Two Worlds. First, let's talk about the development.

To be blunt, it's going very well. I'm already approaching nearly 20,000 words of script written, and I haven't even gotten to the actual final fights, branches, or epilogues yet! This chapter is by far the most difficult as I work to tie up all the various threads of the story. I don't want the game to end like the TV show, Lost, and have people asking "But what about...". I'm really doing my best to ensure nothing is left out! Those of you on the harem route will be especially happy about things. It may be a bit of ego speaking, but I think I've written one of the greatest AVN scenes ever. It's a long awaited event. I'm sure you can guess, so I'll just leave it there.

Part of Chapter 10 also includes certain elements that will be answered in the follow-up project, which currently has a working title of Dark Desires. It is intended to be a prequel to BTW, which expands on the lore of the world of Euchora and how things have developed into the current situation. Note, I've worked hard to ensure that these events work in their own right. It won't be a "You HAVE to play the other game to figure it out!" kind of thing, don't worry.

I've already handed the script work that is done over to my beta testers for review, and art work will begin soon. I'm excited to share this final chapter with you all soon!

Now then, how about some pretty girls? First, here's Kaylee to wish you a Merry Christmas.

And, of course, her friend Bailey just has to take it a step further!

As always, both of these images can be downloaded to keep, use as wallpapers, whatever, for free! Here are the links:




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