Chapter 3 First Update!

Kaylee and Hannah are here to help me with this. Hope you guys don't mind. I'm actually moving through Chapter 3 quite a bit faster than I did with Chapter 2. It's really cool. As of now, writing is 60% done, but more importantly, as you can see above, I've started rendering! Scene 1 is fully rendered, and the first major animation is rendering as I type this. 720 frames of 60fps goodness.

Currently, my goal is to have the entirety of Chapter 3 written by November 15th, which will let me spend time doing the planned Christmas bonus content. It will be standalone content, completely unrelated to the primary story of the game. But I know what I want to do, and I look forward to making it happen :)

As always, I'm in the Discord quite often, and love interacting with you all. If you ever have questions, comments, suggestions, etc, feel free to reach out! Your feedback is important to me :)

Thanks everyone!

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