Chapter 3 Update Progress!

Hello everyone! It's about time for a new update on the progress of Chapter 3. As of tonight, I've finished writing scene 13 (Technically 19, thanks to split pathing!), and will be starting on scene 14, the final scene of chapter 3, tomorrow. In addition, I'm currently rendering images and animations for scenes 5A and 5B. To give an idea of where it stands so far, chapter 2 had about 500 renders in total. So far, as of the completion of 4B, there are nearly 300 images. That's 7 scenes, out of 20 total. I've also already rendered out over 3,000 frames of animation (Chapter 2 had 10,000 in total!).

In addition, as I pointed out in the previous post, the new website for the game is online, albeit a bit slim on content. This will grow over time, eventually including a companion game set entirely in Oscars game world, built in RPGM. It'll be embedded into the site, with game saves, easter eggs, extra content, the works.

Thanks for coming on this journey with me! Look forward to growing with all of you!

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