This took WAY too long to pose...

Chapter 4 Update Time!

I think I hate horses. Also, large, wide open areas. But hey, it looks pretty at least! Since we're here, why not do a development update? As always, you can follow the progress over at Trello:

I've completed writing the first 7 scenes, and I'm working on 8. Right now, 18 scenes are planned for Chapter 4. There is no split pathing, so everyone will play every scene.

In Chapters 1-3, I'd previously waited until writing was almost done, before I started rendering. I'm changing that up this time, and as such, I've now finished rendering the first 3 scenes already! That includes over 3,000 frames of animation (Chapter 3 had 13,000 total, between the two split routes).

I will also start the process of coding in the next week or two. This will help me to get it right the first time, as I had several code bugs in C3, that resulted in having to issue a fix. That's not cool. As part of this, I've also gathered a group of people, both Patrons and non-Patrons, who are now officially "beta testers" for Between Two Worlds. They've already been invaluable to me, and I really appreciate their contributions!

With the progress being made, I'm aiming for a release in the first week of April. I will be moving at the end of March though, which will take a little bit of my time. But I'll be working hard to try and make sure the impact is minimal. I really am trying to keep my development cycle at about ~10 weeks.

Chapter 4 is shaping up to have over 2 hours of new content, as well as a handful of new characters to aid you in your adventures. In addition, I am going to try to implement new features like named save files, and possibly a slider to let you manually set the contrast level of the images and animations.

Thanks everyone!

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