Chapter 4 progress, and new content for supporters!

Sneaking in with another Dev Log update! So first, let me say that I've added a new file to the downloadable things you get when you buy the game. The zip file contains several promotional images that I've created the past several weeks for my higher tier Patreon supporters. However, I would also like to give to those who buy the game here as well. So, when you buy the game, not only do you get all future updates included, but you'll start getting access to these promotional images. No additional purchase required!

Alright, so moving on, I'm quickly approaching the halfway point on rendering. That being said, I've recently discovered a process that is speeding it up, so things will go even faster going forward! I am moving this week though, so there will be a brief lag in progress, but it will pick up again immediately afterwards!

Don't forget, you can track the development process via our Trello board at:

Thanks everyone! I can't wait to bring you the next chapter of this story!


BTW Special Images Volume 1.rar 57 MB
Mar 22, 2022

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