Chapter 4 update, and new special renders!

Hello everyone! Time for a new update! I've also attached a new preview image, showing one of the creatures you'll encounter in Chapter 4. Let me just say, rendering that fur, NOT easy! And me in my genius planning put three of these things in a single scene... Yeah, that was rough! Anyway, how about that update?

The Chapter is about 60% done right now, and moving forward quickly. Had a little downtime, as I moved at the end of March, but my new situation is FAR more conducive to productive work. Both writing and rendering are now moving forward at a solid pace, and I'm hoping to have the release ready in about 4 weeks!

For those of you who have purchased the game, I've also updated the special render file, and thrown a bunch of new images in. There are now over 20 high quality 4K images. There is no additional cost to download this file, and I will continue adding to it over time.

Just a reminder, the price of the game will be going up to $8.99 with the release of Chapter 4. So if you're looking to get it, you should do so ASAP, at the current lower price! This will entitle you to ALL future updates!

Thanks for looking, time for me to get back to work!


BTW Special Renders and 4K.rar 170 MB
Apr 11, 2022

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If it was easy everyone'd be doing it!  Well, you know.  Doom.

I paid $5 initially so the price bump insulted me so much I went to 11.99. ;)  

Have fun. :)