First Dev Update for Chapter 5!

Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 4 :) You might be wondering why Hannah looks so dark and evil in the image above. Well, one of the Triplet tier Patrons made a request, and all they said was "Hannah Praying". This is where I went with it. I think it came out quite well!

Alright so, Chapter 5! This is a big one. It will absolutely be the largest chapter yet, as I continue refining my processes, and learning new techniques. It's been less than two weeks since Chapter 4 was released, and I'm already making big progress. As always, you can check out the Trello board for details. Here is where C5 stands as of now:

Creative Design - 35% Environment Design - 83% Writing - 20% Rendering - 10% Animation - 0% Code - 0%

Yep, that's right. I've already started rendering! This is the earliest I've ever started, which is important since C5 will be so big. I estimate a MINIMUM of 2 hours of gameplay, and on average closer to 2.5 hours. This will bring the average play time for the game up to about 8 hours in total.

In addition, I've started the process of getting the game properly translated into other languages. ThL is a native French speaker, and has almost finished C1. Dude is a machine! I'm reaching out to the group that has been doing the Spanish translations post release, in the hopes of getting them done pre-release. Will do the same of the Italian version. I want it to be as complete as possible right out of the gate.

One quick note: I want to shoutout some good friends of mine, who also happen to be developing a game. Many of you already know them, but some don't. Storm and Slockie are making a game called "Bare Witness", which will feature a cameo by Hannah and Skylar in their next update. If you haven't checked them out yet, I highly recommend it. They are a good team, and are making a quality game. Here's their page:

Alright, that's it for now! Gotta get back to the grindstone so I can get this out to you ASAP!


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