Getting clean after getting dirty + Dev Update!

Little preview for Chapter 5 :) I've spent several hours working on just setting this scene up, making the water look good, making Hannah look good (though this isn't very hard, let's be honest), etc. Even gave her a new hairstyle for the scene, since she wouldn't keep those buns of hers in the shower.

So, dev update time! Things are moving along super quickly! Here's the numbers:

  • Creative Design: 45%
  • Environment Design: 83%
  • Writing: 42%
  • Rendering: 26%
  • Animation: 25%
  • Code: 21%

I've started combining some of my workflows to speed things up, which is why Code is already at 21%. In addition, the rendering process is keeping a closer pace with the writing process than before. Things are on track right now for the next release to be in about 8 weeks or so! Chapter 5 is hands down the largest chapter to date, and will see major movement in both the overall story, as well as the, uh, adult, situations with certain characters.

Thanks for taking a look, and I look forward to the next update!

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