Chapter 6 Dev Log #2 and sale!

Hello everyone! Time for another update on the progress of Chapter 6. I've been busy getting things done, and it's looking pretty good so far. It's almost certain that this will be longer than Chapter 5 was, and almost half of the content is branching paths. Be careful of your choices though. They have long lasting ramifications!

In addition to a dev update, just a quick announcement to let those of you who may be sitting on the sidelines and waiting know that the game is on sale! For the next week, you can pick up Between Two Worlds for $9.95.

Alright, business taken care of, let's talk about the development update! Here are the hard numbers:

Creative Design: 66%
Environment Design: 29%
Writing: 50%
Rendering: 11%
Animation: 15%
Code: 0%

As you can see, solid progress! The early scene rendering takes a bit longer due to the branching path rendering. Even though it's one scene, there are multiple variants. I do have an artist lined up to help with posing future scenes, so things will move even faster over time. It'll need to, as the the paths continue to split!

The target is still early to mid November for the next update, which will contain about 2 to 2.5 hours of new content on average for most players. This chapter will also see major movement in the primary storyline!

That's it for this update. Thanks for taking the time to read it, and I look forward to sharing some actual in game screenshots (or maybe an animation preview?) in the next update!

-Drooskati Games

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