Chapter 7 Dev Log and Release Date!

Hello everyone! Hannah is here to share a photo with you, and talk about the upcoming Chapter 7! Things have been crazy and I'm so excited to be wrapping up development soon. So, first some numbers about where Chapter 7 stands:

  • Creative Design - 100%
  • Environment Design - 85%
  • Writing - 78%
  • Rendering - 61%
  • Animation - 71%
  • Code - 55%

The worst is done. I had to learn several new lighting techniques for some of the new environments I created for this chapter. Now that it's done, I'm really tearing through the rendering process. My beta team has already been through the first half of the update, making sure all the bugs and issues are worked out. Chapter 7 significantly expands on pretty much every aspect of the story. Yes, that includes your relationships with the girls. The choices you make in this update will all but set you on your path for the rest of the game. You also have a couple of chances to change direction, if you want. But these will be the last opportunities to do so!

The Chapter 7 script is already pushing close to 40k words of dialogue and narration. So it'll be at least as long as the previous update, with plenty of content on both the good and evil paths.

So, what does this all mean? Well, it means that as of right now, I feel confident in announcing an estimated release date for Chapter 7 of Thursday, June 8th. So be prepared, adventurers! Your time is near!

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